Who are we?

Will Buchta

Rose Strobel

Hannah Moran

Alexis Vilmenay

Hello! We are students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), an engineering and science university in Worcester, Massachusetts in the U.S.A. We are conducting research alongside Soochow University of Taipei, Taiwan to find information about the locations or cultural assets that are important to residents of Shilin. The main goal of this website is to highlight the unique aspects of Taipei's culture and capture the essence of Shilin's cultural development. Through this website, we hope to preserve the heritage of Shilin and display some of the ways modernization and industrialization have affected Taiwanese culture over time. To accomplish this goal, we interviewed current Shilin District residents about their culture and listen to their personal histories. Soochow University hopes that this research will preserve the rich history of Shilin and have positive impacts on the community.


Dr. Fu-sheng Shih

Dr. Wen-hua Du

Dr. Robert Kinicki

This project would not have been possible without the amazing help from our sponsor Professor Fu, and guidance from our advisors Professor Du and Professor Kinicki.