Shilin Elementary
Founded in 1895, the Taipei Municipal Shilin Elementary School (TMSES) was the first modern public primary school in Taiwan. The school came about when Japan seized control of Taiwan during war times. The purpose of TMSES was to encourage the Taiwanese people to become loyal to the Japanese emperor and become part of Kominka Movement. Although there was not an absence of resistance from locals; 6 Japanese teachers were killed as the result of local uprisings in 1896, often referred to as the “Zhishanyan Incident”.
Nevertheless, that did not prevent the school from going ahead with its modernized teaching program that not only included the Japanese language but also mathematics, science, and geography. During this Japanese colonial time, farming was also included in the educational programs, as it played a large role in society.
The Pacific War raised challenges for TMSES, such as bombings carried out by the USA. During those years of war, children were instructed in ways of combat to be ready to fight if any instances were to occur. Nevertheless, education at the school continued, and so it gradually adapted along with the changing Taiwanese community and educational system.
Now, TMSES tries to provide its students with a well-rounded education that covers everything from moral values and virtues, to character development and academic excellence. Such support towards education not only encourages that the past will be lost to time but can also help to strive for a better future. The museum held inside the TMSES, curated by art teacher Wu Chien-Hong , further emphasizes the significance and values of the elementary school. The impressive collection of artifacts and photos from the Japanese-ruled era highlight the school's dedication towards historical preservation.
Source: China (Taiwan) M of FA Republic of. Nurturing students for a hundred-some years. Taiwan Today. Published October 1, 2010. Accessed April 8, 2024.